
Sometimes crossing over into the promised land starts first by facing a mountain of impossibility.  

Before the breakthrough, there is a contending, and in the contending there is a fierce battle.  But the very fact that there is a giant wall in front of you is the premise for the wonders and miracles of the Lord to come through. God is for you, not against you, and the fact that you are in a battle right now is not for you to be defeated or put to shame, but to overcome in triumph! 

As we come to the end of the fifth year of Awaken Generation, Calvin and I prophetically sense that many of us have been in the thick of our own battles the last six months. It’s as if the second half of 2019 has been an uphill climb, with many of us feeling like we are on the verge of giving up and throwing in the towel. A spirit of fainting threatens to take over… yet still, there is hope.

Isaiah 40:31 contains a promise that those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Sometimes our limitation forces our surrender, and we suddenly realise the mountain was not for climbing but for soaring over - not by our own strength but by the Spirit of God. Even as I write this, may the breath of the Holy Spirit breathe new wind in you, to anchor yourself in faith, to perceive your situation from a heavenly perspective, and for an atmosphere of hope to fill your very room. 


When we were praying over our 2020 student cohort, the core passage that came to mind was Joshua 3. The verses detail the account of the Israelites moving into their promised land under the leadership of Joshua and Caleb. But first, they must cross over a rushing, mighty river. Imagine being in that position - how could a whole nation of twelve tribes cross over this threatening body of water? Who can stop this force of nature? 

God can, but there is a process. In Joshua 3:3, the Israelites were given the following instructions: 

“When you see the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, and the Levitical priests carrying it, you are to move out from your positions and follow it.”

In the face of impossibility, we must not rush to come up with our own strategies to overcome it but instead seek the presence of God and follow Him. Surely the strategies of the Lord supersedes the logic of man! 

What the Lord calls you to however, will not make logical sense at first - that is why it’s called a walk of FAITH. Faith will take you places that your mind cannot. It is interesting that the recipe for success in our battles isn’t more strategies or resources but simply the faith we put in the goodness of God. That’s why when we come into His presence, we don’t seek first His strategies, but HIS HEART. Our walk with Jesus is all about the relationship. Strategies will come later, and He will be faithful to lead you. 

The story continues with Joshua telling the people to consecrate themselves. Consecrate means to set yourself apart, to be holy, fully dedicating yourself to the Lord. The good news is that we are already made holy by the blood of the Lamb. Bring yourself into remembrance of what Jesus has already done for you through the cross. He has already paid for every healing and provision for all His sons and daughters and He is well aware of your needs. 

If what I have shared resonates in your heart, consider journeying with Awaken Generation by being a part of our 2020 cohort. Let this be a journey of faith as we trust that He will do amazing things, miracles and wonders in your life. 

Calvin & Alarice Hong

Applications will run from now till 15 Dec 2019. Click here for more info and to apply.
