Finding Your Optimal Vocal Range


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We’ve all been in that place where the song we’re trying to sing is too high, or too low, and it just doesn’t feel right. Vocal Mentor Maoi De Leon shares with us her top three tips on knowing and strengthening our vocal range.

During my time of studying and teaching, I have met countless singers with different styles and vocal ranges. And most of these singers (if not all), aspire to master and expand their range as wide as possible, whether belting out higher notes or hitting lower notes with the same power and intensity.

What is Vocal Range? It refers to an interval or measure from the lowest to the highest note that singers can produce. To put it simply, it’s how low and how high performers can sing comfortably without damaging the voice.

Determining your range will help identify the appropriate keys and genres for your voice. As you feel comfortable singing these notes within your range, you’ll have more space and confidence to explore the execution such as adding dynamics, expressions, pitch accuracy, breath support and more.


Knowledge of your singing range is valuable, not only in recognizing your sound but also in preserving vocal health, which would protect the longevity of your singing voice. Performing beyond your comfortable range might cause damage in the long run, especially without the correct usage and proper preparation. 

The Bible says, “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace” (1 Peter 4:10 ESV). This is part of our responsibility to take care of what God has entrusted us, to maintain His gift and be a faithful steward.

The question is, “How do we know and strengthen our vocal range?” Here are three ways.


#1 Pitch

Explore the lowest and highest notes that you can sing from the middle C/C4 (ask for a friend’s help if you can’t play the piano). Sing a simple one-note vocal exercise (like ee, ooh, etc), move down and up until you have reached the lowest and highest notes that you can sustain without cracking or producing hoarse sound. Remember these notes.

#2 Practice

Once you have identified your range, work persistently in doing vocal exercises within that range. There are a variety of exercises, apps, videos, playlists and tools that you can use. Let your voice stretch safely with the correct practice. And in time, you may even be able to increase your range (well, that’s for another blog post!).


#3 Preparation

Apart from the vocal warm-ups, it is also important for your body to be ready. Do your stretching and exercises. Make sure that you have enough rest and sleep. Drink lots of water every day, and keep your voice hydrated. Don’t consume food and drinks that will dry out or irritate your throat and vocal cords. Like athletes, our voices are best adjusted for endurance when we take care of our bodies.

Hopefully, the above tips will help you to know your voice well and reach its full potential. Remember that your voice is unique. You are gifted. But remember, your ability is not defined by how good your voice is. As the theologian Henri Nouwen puts it “Our real gift is not so much what we can do, but who we are. The real question is not ‘What can we offer each other?’ but ‘Who can we be for each other?”

Maoi De Leon is a vocal mentor in our AG School. A veteran of the scene, Maoi has been teaching vocal techniques as well as conducting children and adult choirs since graduating with a Bachelor of Music, majoring in Music Education and Voice Principal (Cum Laude) in 2006. She desires that everyone can feel safe to worship the One and only true King, our God, in spirit and truth.

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