God’s Dream For Your Life

By Alarice

“God had a dream for your life before you were even born, and then He wrapped a body around that dream to fulfil that dream.” - Lou Engle

If God had a dream for us before even the foundations of the earth, before we were knit together in our mother’s womb, before we ever took our first breath, then should it not be our greatest prize to discover this dream for our life and to live it out?  

God has set eternity in our hearts (Ecclesiastes 3:11). Being human is knowing that we were created for significance; to be part of a greater story beyond ourselves; it has been deposited in us, it is our DNA. Whether we are moved for justice, for beauty, for compassion, for the extraordinary and supernatural - we cannot deny that deep down there is an innate and insatiable desire to live a life of purpose and impact.

But oftentimes we let the fear of man, the expectations of others, and the worries and cares of the world to choke and vanquish the dream. It is wisdom for us to know that there is a very real war against our souls that seeks to destroy the very thing we were born to do. The enemy shudders at the thought of a world where orphans realise their identity as sons and daughters and fearlessly live the fullness of their calling; establishing His Kingdom across the earth.

There is an oppression that we come against; the status quo. ‘Don’t do anything radical,’ they say. ‘Stick within the lines,’ they say. But do you not feel a surge in your spirit? As deep calls out to deep, the Spirit of God who lives in us; the same power that raised Christ from the dead, compels and provokes us to bravery and radical courage. It may cost us our comfort, our reputation, our life – but ask any of the great heroes of faith, and you will know that partnering with God in His plans for the earth is the greatest joy and fulfillment for the believer.

Here at Awaken Generation, our theme for 2018 is ‘Destined’ - our prayer is that the people of God will walk in boldness and courage to push past the fear that entangles, and break free to discover this dream God has for each of our lives. Even as I write this, I know that dreams once hidden are now resurrecting to life in your heart and spirit. Place this vision ever before your eyes and run to it.

May this year be one where, with even the tiniest step of faith forward, the sails of your heart will catch the mighty wind of the Spirit and propel you to the vastness of the open seas of His destiny for you. Come, taste and see.
