Generosity: The Mark of Sons & Daughters

By Ian Chew

“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.”(Proverbs 11:25)

I used to think, “If only I had more money, I’d be willing to bless others. If only I were rich, I’d be more generous”. Yet it’s sobering to realise the Bible illustrates it as the generous who will prosper (Prov 11:25), and NOT the prosperous who will be generous. It’s true: Status or wealth does not guarantee that one will exhibit generosity. I have known wealthy people who are unforgivably selfish, but at the same time witnessed those who have little give unreservedly. The latter humbles me greatly.

'As Jesus looked up, he saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury. He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. “Truly I tell you,” he said, “this poor widow has put in more than all the others. All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.”' (Luke 21:1–4)

Generosity is more about posture than it is about value. In other words, it matters not the amount you can offer, but the spirit and heart behind it. It was said that the poor widow out-gave all the rich despite putting in only two very small copper coins. I used to stumble over the little I was able to give or sow into anything. It felt negligible. Then I realised God specialises in using “little”. Had a young boy not offered up his seemingly insignificant 5 loaves and 2 fish into Jesus’ hands, 5000 would not have had their fill that day and experienced one of the greatest demonstrations of divine provision. God is not in need of resources – He owns the universe. What He yearns for is that, in our giving, we cultivate a spirit of generosity and selflessness. What He seeks are sons and daughters who would partner with Him in releasing heaven’s resources by sowing the first seeds.

Which brings me to this: Generosity is not even an issue of personality; it is actually an issue of identity. My problem was not that I was naturally thrifty or prudent; my problem was that I had not yet fully understood sonship. The orphan spirit hoards for fear of lack, but the renewed mind gives from a place of security. If I truly believed He owns all of heaven and earth, and that He calls me son; it means I have access to unlimited resources in heaven and on earth. Would I not be compelled and provoked to live generously? To be a conduit of His blessings and resources?

God wants us to be generous because it models His heart. We ought to be generous not just financially, but also with our time, words, and deeds. I believe the way we live generously partly determines how much resources God will put in our hands, with ever-increasing influence and authority. Ever since stepping into ministry, I've had the wonderful privilege of being friends with many who exemplify radical generosity. More often than not, they carry great influence and are impacting our world profoundly. After all, God shows he readily adds to those who have been faithful with little (Luke 16:10).

Let us therefore endeavour to walk in radical generosity, demonstrating the Kingdom wherever we go.
