Jesus Our Great High Priest

We’ve been on a journey of discovering what it means to walk as a “royal priesthood” here in our Awaken Generation worship school. One of the songs from our latest worship album, titled “Great High Priest” was written even before the theme of the year was announced. We chat with songwriter Jonathan Cho about the process and significance of the song.

Hello Jon! We love the song Great High Priest. This was the song that you and Ian Chew wrote. Can you share with us the inspiration behind the song Great High Priest? 

Actually, I was preparing to give a sermon on a passage in Hebrews 4 & 5. As I dug deep into the chapters, I was really chewing on what it means to be appointed a priest in God’s kingdom and what He has in mind for his priesthood. For that season, I carried this message in my heart. 

In February 2022, we had our AG songwriting retreat, and I shared the song. At that time, the staff already knew about the school theme for this year (2023), but I didn’t know that ‘Royal Priesthood’ was on the ministry’s heart. It was pretty cool to see this alignment.

Tell us a little more about the songwriting process.

I wrote this with Ian at my house. It has been a yearly habit to try and hang out before the songwriting retreat to just share some ideas we have. Ian and I are very different but we complement one another in a very unique way. It’s so productive as a songwriting friendship. 

When I started talking about this, particularly fascinated by Jesus being the perfect priest in the order of Melchizedek, a higher order than what the Jews understood at the time of the Levitical priesthood. This glory of Jesus and what He carries in His priestliness moved me. 

I remember Ian started with a congregational chorus that declares the name of Jesus. And from there we talked about what needed to be canvassed in the verses to make this unfamiliar concept of Jesus of Great High Priest familiar to the listeners.

Seeing the song from its beginning stages, you must have a favourite part of the song. Tell us which and why!

Okay, it sounds so ‘duh’ but the line: Jesus the Great High Priest.

I love that there’s nothing very dramatic or particular poetic about the lyrics but there’s such a high fidelity to Scripture. And this line, plucked directly from the book of Hebrews, is my favourite. 

Also I think there are few songs that capture this, so it is extra special to have a congregational worship song the Church can sing to disciple them in this aspect of Jesus.

It’s true! We hardly hear songs written about Jesus being our Great High Priest. How has this message/song impacted your life? 

You know in Singapore when we think of ‘priest’, I have that picture of all the priests from different faiths lining up on racial harmony or national day in their robes. 

Biblically, the priestly figure actually identifies with the sin and temptation of man, bringing a sacrifice on his behalf and of others. There is a strong solidarity between priest and people. And because of the sinful nature of earthly priests, there is no guarantee that the sacrifice will be accepted. 

But what blows my mind is that all of this is fulfilled in the person of Jesus. He came as a man, to be tempted like us. He is able to empathize with us and have that same solidarity. But His sacrifice is guaranteed to be accepted, because He, our sacrifice for the sins of all man, is without blemish. 

Everytime I sing this song, I’m reminded of how great and glorious the person of Jesus is. And in the same breath, how humble He is and must have been, to strip himself of his heavenly rank. He chose to suffer as a human so he can represent us before God. Because of His obedience, I have a completely free and unhindered passageway to God. I can approach the throne with confidence.

His submission and sacrifice are profoundly captured in this one title - our Great High Priest.

What do you want listeners to leave with? 

Firstly, I hope they will be blessed by the musicality, and the richness of the lyrics. And it will encourage them to explore the Scriptures, the mystery of Jesus as our Great High Priest and how He fulfills it through his life, death and resurrection. I hope everyone will read the book of Hebrews and be amazed!

Listen to Awaken Generation Music’s 2023 live album, Fire On The Altar now.

Written by a collective of songwriters based in Singapore, the album reflects the cry of our hearts: He is worthy! Finally, after two years of Covid restrictions we return with an energetic live album complete with a full choir and a wind and string section. From rousing anthems that declare the worthiness of God, to the intimate songs of devotion, we pray that ‘Fire on the Altar’ will draw you into true worship of our great God.
